Urashiro Nobeoka, a Progressive City in Japan - English Classes: Tel: 0982-34-5666 - Howard Ahner

Double Decker Gasoline Stand in Japan Still Exist in Nobeoka
Zaikouji Youchein, Hyuga January 22, 2009
"Earthly desires are enlightenment; the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana."
August 2008 Videos
Takoyaki Stand in Kadogawa Town has been closed down.
Double Decker Gasoline Stand in Japan Still Exist in Nobeoka
You can gamble on the horses in Kadogawa at a Keirin place in Kadogawa Cho.
Nobeoka Salmon is Delicious!
How does one process one's rice in Japan?
A Typical Bus Stop in Totoro Town, Nobeoka, Japan
Nobeoka Strawberries
The Kadogawa Homewide used to be on this location. Now there is a Lawson Convenience Store
A Good Friend
Kobato in February, 2008
We went shopping at Point Peg in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki
We seldom go to this Joyfull Restaurant in Idekita, Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Ken
Here's a walk-over bridge in Nobeoka City, Japan
Here's the Joyfull Restaurant near the road to Takachiho in Nobeoka.
Let's study at Sazanpia, Nobeoka.
There's an Okonomiyaki restaurant over there that I like very much. It's in Nobeoka.
This used to be the "Anne's House" of Nobeoka. Do you know the one on Beach Blvd in Buena Park, CA?
Here's the only Surfer's Shop in Nobeoka.
This Nishi No Maru Pachinko Parlor in Nobeoka is still closed.
And, yes, they even have a Colonel Sander's in Nobeoka.
This is perhaps the bussiest Pachinko Parlor in Nobeoka City.
Gasoline is going down in price. It's now 93 yen a liter. A liter is about a quart, I believe.
Some of you old timers may remember the motorcycle hanging from that yard arm over there.
I am still living easy in the city of Nobeoka, Japan.
The old Chalon Restaurant has been turned into a "rotary sushi bar".
At this Pachinko Parlor, the steel balls now cost 1 yen each. They used to cost 3 yen each.
And, we do have a Mr. Donut here in Nobeoka. We are not barbarians, you know.
In Nobeoka, we even have a Baskin Robin's - 31 Flavors ice cream parlor.
Moss Burger is the closest thing to a good hamburger joint one can find in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki
Old Ahner Family Pictures
Mondays at 5:30 pm at the Ahner House in Tsurugaoka, Nobeoka for English Classes
Urashiro Excursion on February 20, 2008 (My Birthday!)
Old Nobeoka
Granite City, Illinois
Hitting Home Runs
The Embankments of Faith
A Father Takes Faith
A Sage Perceives the Three Existences of Life
A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering
A Warning against Begrudging One's Fief
An Outline of the Zokurui and Other Chapters
Aspiration for the Buddha Land
Banishment to Sado
Beneficial Medicine for All Ills
Bestowal of the Mandala of the Mystic Law
Bodhisattva Hachiman
Clear Sake Gosho
Urashiro Link
A & A Hotel has been replaced by Urban Hotel in Nobeoka



I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo





...we made it to Shima No Ura, Nobeoka...

...in fact, I did hit a grand slam while playing for the Giants in Little Leage, Santa Ana, CA...

Come and study English with us! Tel: 0982-34-5666 in Nobeoka...

I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo